Thursday, April 25, 2013


On your mark is a time when it seem you are still on the ground, but he who looks closely would see that this person has got something on his mind, get set is a time when no matter what you are doing you must stop and set your eyes on the road, you must let all other thoughts cease and focus on the goal.

Get set, because relationships are not for babes, its for mature minds, its a field of emotional roller coaster but needs the stability of wisdom, and if you are not truly ready, it will be obvious.
Get ready because there would be ups and down, but you should not chicken out.

 Now you that you have taking time to process what went wrong in your last relationship, you have cried, you are getting better, its time to move on, so get set, at this point, your position makes it impossible to look back,  its time to move forward and reach for your dreams so GET SET

BE CONFIDENT: Not being in a relationship is not the end of the world, there are a lot of people who are in a relationship or married yet are not happy or fulfilled, be confident in yourself, as you continue to groom yourself knowing that you are not the problem, be confident that there is someone out there for you, who will be the bone of your bone and the flesh of your flesh. whom you will give all that you are to.

NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS: a lot of people at a certain stage begin to fret and just want to be in a relationship with just anybody, what would be the essence of all the grooming yourself and trying to get better? let me say it again don't settle for less, its better to be lonely than to be miserable, any potential relationship that has no potential future should be stopped immediately. I know it sounds easy to say, after all, am not the one feeling lonely and alone, yes true, but would you be in a relationship that feels like you are just tolerating the person? I don't think so. I have heard this story a lot of times, of how a lonely person enters a relationship and gets preyed upon, its always obvious such person is desperate and if the other person is not a good person, get ready to be used.

HAVE YOU PRAYED? : The honest truth is Prayer does so much than we know, well if you think prayer is not for you, too bad, because I don't see how praying to God for what you want is a big deal, someone told me: I have prayed about it and am tired of praying about it, I told her, ok will you rather talk to the devil about it, she laughed and said no, so dear, keep praying. Pray for connection to the right person, pray for wisdom and direction, ok don't see it like prayer, just make sure you talk to God about it everyday.

OPEN YOUR EYES: just so you know, your partner might not really look like what you expected at first sight. A lot of people met their partners looking like something else, but they had eyes to see that a little tweak here and there would do it, you need to see some people 4/5 years ago, you will wonder what made the transformation. You need to open your eyes to see what people can be order than what they are presently, a butterfly was once a moth. Maybe you will have to do their cloth shopping with them, maybe you will have to hit the gym together, maybe you will have to teach them a little bit of etiquette, maybe that's why God brought you into their life.

In conclusion, let me also talk to that couple who during the past few months your marriage has been a little rocky and you cant seem to understand what is going on, but you know it is for better for worse, you are not letting go, yes that's exactly the kind of  thought you need, Get set, you might have to schedule a meeting with a counselor or therapist, but you are not going to give up, this is your marriage, your partner, the one you chose, you are not going to turn your back because you know it can be worked out. as you get set, begin to look for someone who is equipped to help you both. Get into a book store and find a book that matches your need.

This is not a 5 step anything to get anything, its just something that you need to put in mind even as you begin to get set for a new phase of your life, after all is done, you will enter your relationship fully equipped to do it right, when you are ready, you wont need anybody to tell, you will know its time to GO.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



On the race field, the most terrifying moment is the point when you are still down, with one knee on the ground, most times your heart is racing fast with blood pumps, your hands and leg are shaking, your mouth is dry and the truth is there is only one thing on your mind… the race.

There are so many reasons why people are  single and for some they see it as an issue, maybe you are yet to find the right person or you can’t date or even marry the person who Is interested in you, while some are seriously searching and the search seems not to be bringing any result. I know how it can be when you really wish to be in a relationship or married but you are not. Am always surprised too when I see people who are good looking and are mature but seem not to be in a relationship when that's what they really want. I know how you will begin to think that maybe you have a problem, or there is a curse over you or something of the sort, while it may not be any of that, you need to get your mind off searching as hard as that may be and start looking inward, into you, to see if you are that kind of person you would want to date….let’s call it ON YOUR MARK

   On your mark, you should begin to develop yourself, am sure you just don’t want to be in a relationship that will last for few weeks or months, if so, then you will need to begin to equip yourself with the right tools, those tools that will chisel you to be a better person and a better partner in your relationship. Building your mind is the best gift anyone can give himself, on your mark means becoming a better person, that means you are getting ready for a new phase, the truth is everyone loves good stuff, and its hard to let go of it, so make yourself a better person.

On your mark, you should begin to highlight your weaknesses and begin to walk on them, it’s not our strength that breaks our union, it’s our weakness and therefore we must know our weakness and begin to find ways to deal with them. What happened in your past relationships?, what have you learnt from it?, what would you have loved to do differently?, this is not a time you need to lie to yourself, you need to be totally honest. My problem with people is that they cry so much to be in a relationship, neglecting the killer in them that stifles life out of every relationship, part of becoming a better person is you learning how to deal and overcome your weakness.

On your mark, be careful of distractions and pressure, while you are getting ready to be in a relationship or married, distractions will come, it may come as people who are not really interested in you for keeps but temporarily, don’t entertain such, you need to remain focus and let your aim be all you have in mind, also don’t let anyone put unnecessary pressure on you, it’s your life and I don’t think they love you more than you do.  You will do well to watch the internal pressure building within you, even as you watch all your friends happy in their relationships or getting married. When you have learned how to deal with both internal and external pressure, it will help you ward off distractions, remember that, you need to manage anything, if it’s not it, it’s not.

 There are lots of things that make relationships even sweeter, for instance finances, I once heard someone say no finance no romance, as funny as that may sound, I think things such as finances play vital role in any relationship/marriage. The hardship faced by lack of finance can break any union. Apart from finance, being sure you are emotionally ready is also very important, you can’t be hurting and still dreaming of your ex and saying you are ready to be in a relationship, dealing with past hurts and being free from their bag gages is very important too.

The right person would come and you will find someone who is worth all this preparation, On your mark, signifies that you are getting ready, never mind that that you are still on the ground, you might be on the ground, but your eyes is fixed on a sight, your heart is hinged on a goal. Your last relationship might have left you broken and devastated, but you will rise up again, don’t be in a haste to get up, you may get disqualified, so first things first be on your mark.

Monday, April 1, 2013


BOND?! Yeah, Bond! Imagine James Bond having a wife, a wife who can match him in charm, looks, sophistication, specialty, charisma, action and a sense of purpose and yet she was there to support him. Imagine what these two would be able to do, can you just imagine what that kind of combination would be or do?, it would have to be a match from heaven.

 I am always asking God why and what can be done about the many problems of relationship and marriage, i began to think about marriage as i normally do and different thoughts began to  go through my mind. WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT MARRIAGE?

Marriage is an institution, an institution starting with a MAN and a WOMAN, that's Gods original plan, man and woman. if it was just man, the issue of marriage would never had come up, but with the woman, it was something different entirely, it was not a mistake, it was a deliberate action and so anything other than this, is not from God and definitely from the pit of hell, it CANT be a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, this is not up for debate! so with the woman, something very profound happened, the bible said and  God blessed them, now read the content of the prayer: Be FRUITFUL, MULTIPLY and REPLENISH the earth. (Gen 1:28)

The marriage institution is a living institution: it breathes, moves and grows, while you may not see the mouth, i tell you it has its food. When a man and a woman come together to be husband and wife, immediately that connection creates a living institution called marriage, but this can only be achieved with one thing.....THE BOND! God said for this reason shall a man leave his parents and cleave to his wife and they shall be one flesh (Gen 2:24). Many people get married but they are not truly bonded, its true and obvious, because if two people are really bonded, no one would have a different agenda, no one would try to pay each other back, no one would put his/her needs before the others', no one would try to dominate, or intentionally hurt the other.

Marriage is an institution that has so much power, the power to be fruitful, multiply and replenish and this not just talking about giving birth alone, it also concerns your health, finances and everything that pertains to your lives. the truth is you cannot really be fruitful or multiply or replenish if you do not Bond, isn't it funny how one shall chase a thousand and two shall chase ten thousands, that's the power of multiplication and being fruitful.

There is so much one person can do, but there is much more two people can do, we are yet to see what two people who are truly bonded can do, we are yet to see the manifestation of a man and woman who above every other thing have decided to cleave no matter what may come, the world is yet to see the full impact of a real Mr. and Mrs. Bond.

The Real Mr. and Mrs. Bond don't give up on the living institution they created, they never let sickness, lack, misunderstandings get in the way of their institution, they know they have come together to achieve more, they focus more on their union, rather than their problem, they hold hands to fight sickness, lack, weakness, misunderstandings and every external enemy, they protect their turf, they have their guards on. They also feed their union with its need: communication, sex, friendship, openness and trust, respect, honor, appreciation, gratitude, they will go to any means to get new recipe for their union, just to make sure it is well nourished, they understand the impact of God and live by his words and dictate, they understand that they cant allow their union, ever remain the same, they strive to constantly make it grow, these guys know what they want, they are not confused: they know they want the relationship to work, not just work, but be healthy. these guys are truly bonded and so they understand that, its not about two people, but of one: the combination of them both.

You know what? these guys don't try to be fruitful or multiply, they are fruitful and they multiply, everything around them has the blessing of God, because they are what he wants. I know Mr. and Mrs. bond are not common in our world, but i can tell you, they do exist, and you can decide to be one. you can start by asking God to help you and your spouse become Mr. and Mrs. Bond.