Physical attraction has become the major reason why many people start a relationship, we put chemistry and sexual attraction as the priority and once that is established, we have enough reason to get into a relationship, while that may be good enough for a relationship without direction, it's sure not enough for one that must lead to marriage.
Physical attraction is easy, you can be attracted to many people, that doesn't mean you can marry them all, what determines who you can marry also consists of but not limited to physical attraction. You have compatibility, core values and ofcourse Love to consider, so if the attraction is the only thing you have considered, you have started on the wrong footing.
One of the many reasons why relationships and marriages don't last is because people have ranked chemistry and physical attraction very high, so what happens is, after the initial rush of emotion settles and we begin to see the weakness of our partners, it's easier for us to start noticing other people and if for any reason you find yourself being attracted to another person, you begin to gravitate towards that person and this cycle continues until we realize that starting a relationship is beyond physical attraction.
Physical attraction is easy, you can be attracted to many people, that doesn't mean you can marry them all, what determines who you can marry also consists of but not limited to physical attraction. You have compatibility, core values and ofcourse Love to consider, so if the attraction is the only thing you have considered, you have started on the wrong footing.
One of the many reasons why relationships and marriages don't last is because people have ranked chemistry and physical attraction very high, so what happens is, after the initial rush of emotion settles and we begin to see the weakness of our partners, it's easier for us to start noticing other people and if for any reason you find yourself being attracted to another person, you begin to gravitate towards that person and this cycle continues until we realize that starting a relationship is beyond physical attraction.